Reforge Our Nation

1. Reunite America.

In 2024, we have plenty of real, serious problems.

Instead of working together to address these issues, we struggle to pass one bill per year.

Our neighbors are not the enemy.

Nobody has a monopoly on patriotism.

We must remember that our identity as Americans is all that matters to hostile nations; they will take down the whole ship based on our essential values like capitalism and democracy.

Some of our enemies are successfully engaged in economic and information wars against us. Some are gearing up for military conflict.

Until we’ve faced modern existential threats and corrected glaring problems within our government, being Americans ought to be all that matters to us.

2. Reclaim our government for the people.

Special interest groups, foreign investors, multinational corporations, and a handful of ultra-wealthy donors now control our politicians.

The government should be answering to the electorate alone. In South Carolina, buying one person’s vote is a felony—unless you do it with a Super PAC, and the one person happens to represent half a million voters.

Right now, a foreign country can be funneling infinite money into a candidate’s campaign (and some of them are, using 501(c)(4) organizations.) Our elected representatives are quite literally for sale to every other foreign government.

Campaign finance reform and election security must be addressed first, in order for other efforts to have any effect. Term limits need to be the next target, which is why I’ve promised to serve no more than four terms in the House.

My first term in the House, I will introduce and gather support for a new Constitutional amendment with the aim of limiting foreign and corporate interference in the democratic process.

We cannot allow an adversary, or a handful of corporations, to control our elected officials.

3. Rebuild the American Dream.

For people my age (~40) and younger, America is no longer the land of opportunity.

The wealth gap is growing, the middle class is shrinking, and class mobility has all but disappeared.

Most of our manufacturing jobs have gone overseas. White-collar work is increasingly outsourced or performed by AI. People fortunate enough to have college degrees and full-time jobs are still struggling to support themselves; they can’t even consider children.

Younger generations are increasingly anti-capitalist because they have never even seen a merit-based economic system. Corporate welfare has been out of control their entire lives.

If we want Americans to be more traditional, capitalistic, and family-centric again, one salary earned by your mid-late 20s must support a household. Education must not cause debt, or must not be required to earn well.

In 2022, the average age of a first-time home-buyer was 36. A first pregnancy after age 35 is “geriatric.”

Younger generations haven’t lost the way—our government policies stopped prioritizing the American Dream. We’ve got to change that so young Americans get the chance to have families of their own.

If you agree that our nation needs to be reforged from the ground up, donate, tell your friends, and vote Murday on June 11.