
My family arrived on the Mayflower four-hundred and three years ago. We fought for South Carolina during the U.S. Revolutionary War.

Our ideals were passed down to me, along with a solemn obligation: protect the nation, serve the people.

Your claim to the United States of America is equal to mine.

But, my responsibility is greater.

Our national ideals are in my blood—they are my family’s legacy and my own heritage. To love my family and country are one and the same.

Our country is on life support. We need someone who knows the nation’s true shape by heart—who can cleanly cut away the excess, and join the rest back together as a functioning whole. I answered the Call, but you must choose me freely.

Other people can argue over what the Founders wanted.

I know my own family.

I don’t want a political career. I want to accomplish a specific purpose: making us whole again.

I’m not worried about my ability to represent us and begin the work of restoring our government. I already learned one of the most complex professions in the world while I could barely read.

The House is our most dysfunctional branch at present, and also the one where I must learn how to reunite our people.

Sending career politicians and legislators to D.C. has not solved our nation’s biggest problems.

Sending wealthy, well-connected individuals has caused many of our nation’s biggest problems.

INSTEAD, send our nation’s own immune system.

I want to rebuild trust in our system, and it always starts with one person.

As part of my plan to restore transparency and accountability to this office, I’m going to make town halls an institution again. We’ll hold them once per month and I’ll read and answer a question submitted by each county in our district.

Let’s get back to a government for, by, and of the people.

If you are happy with our country today—vote for someone else.

If you ever meant the Pledge of Allegiance—I’m the only choice on the ballot.